Historic Navy Ships

Historic Navy Ships
Membership Hub

Updated Saturday July 12, 2008

WebRing News



If your SSNB does not work properly...your site will be suspended from the HNS WebRing.  i.e. the RingMaster must see "Passes" next to your site info in the Ring Management Section....AND your SSNB must be visible on your Linked page.

Failure to obey the rules above will result in deletion from the ring.

We currently have 0 members with a "broken/failed" SSNB.  

The HNS WebRing currently has 52 members with working SSNB's.

Thank you for your support.  ~RingMaster.


To clear up any confusion, here is an example of how your page should be linked to the Historic Navy Ships WebRing:

Most common example:

Home Page
(first page or entrance, to your website)
(usually named "index.html")

Place your HNS SSNB
and link to Ring Hub here

 Alternate example:

Home Page
(first page or entrance, to your website)
(usually named "index.html")
  WebRing List Page
(usually named "webrings.html")

Place your HNS SSNB
and link to Ring Hub here


Place a large, clearly marked link to your
Home Page
(first page or entrance, to your website)
(usually named "index.html")

See the RingMasters Alternate Example at BOSAMAR.COM

Auto Management

Auto-Management allows the site to be managed without RingMaster direct involvement.  

  • Sites with broken SSNBs are automatically suspended and those with working SSNBs are automatically activated.

  • Please note: The Auto-Management process occurs once a week, every Friday. Therefore, you will not see immediate "automatic" changes to our Ring.  

  • With Auto-Management in place, you should be able to navigate with entire ring from start to finish without error.

Why a Historic Navy Ships Ring?

Have you ever belonged to a poorly managed Web Ring?  I have.  Broken links are not fair to the membership and negate the purpose of the ring.

Historic Navy Ships will be run as a "tight ship", pardon the pun.

I will serve the membership the best I can.  If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact the RingMaster.

New Members Read This

There are currently only two prerequisites to joining the Historic Navy Ships Web Ring:
  • Your web site must perpetuate the memory and history of a decommissioned naval vessel(s) from any nation.
  • All members must place the WebRing Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB) on your linked page (it must work properly).

Server-Side Navigation Bar

The WebRing Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB) must be placed on your linked page.  Be sure to use the web address you entered on the application form to point to the SSNB.  This will ensure Web Ring integrity is maintained.

NOTE: You do not have to place the SSNB on your first/index page.  Just ensure the web address you entered on the membership application form points to the SSNB.  Some folks create a "Web Rings" link page just for this purpose.

Web sites will periodically be checked by the RingMaster to ensure Ring integrity. Web sites will be suspended/removed if the SSNB is removed/missing.

Members only need  to install the SSNB once, no matter how many rings you join....  Web Ring does the rest, automatically adding more Navigation Bars to your SSNB as you join more rings.  However, sometimes this auto feature does not work properly and you may have to reinstalled the SSNB (see FAQ below).

This is what the SSNB looks like:


Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not here, contact the RingMaster

Q: When will the RingMaster be available to help?
  Every evening until further notice (I check my e-mail daily). 

Q: Who will manage the HNS Web Ring when the RingMaster is not available?
A:  There is a special WebRing auto-management feature which allows the site to be managed without RingMaster direct involvement.  Sites with broken SSNBs are automatically suspended and those with working SSNBs are automatically activated.  This feature will be activated when the RingMaster is not available.  

Q: Once I sign up to join the ring, how long do I have to get my SSNB working properly?
A:  The RingMaster will give you 5-7 days to get your SSNB working properly.  Expect an email from me immediately if it is not working properly.  I will be happy to work you through the process.  Use the email address below to contact me.

Q: Why does my web site status say "suspended"?
A:  Your web site was "suspended" by the RingMaster because he could not view HNS on the WebRing Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB) on your linked page.  The RingMaster has access to a special WebRing management tool provided by WebRing which indicated your web site SSNB was a "failed" link.

Q: How do I get my web site back on the "active" list?
A:  Ensure your WebRing Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB) on your linked page is functioning properly and displays the HNS SSNB.  At this stage, you may have to reinstall the SSNB code on your link page in order for it to function properly.

Q: How do I install/reinstall the WebRing Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB)?
A:  When you initially sign up to join the HNS Web Ring, you will be/were prompted on where to go to install the SSNB.  However, if you have already signed up and missed this part, go to:

  • http://dir.webring.com/rw
  • Use "Sign in here" to logon and get to your WebRings, or if already signed in, click on "My Rings" or "List All My Rings" (look near the top right for these).
  • Once your ring(s) appears, click on "Historic Navy Ships" for the membership hub list which lists all active sites in the ring.
  • On the top-left, look for "Member Tools" and select "Get Navigation Bar".  Follow the easy copy and paste instructions.  Upload your page to the server and all should be fine and done. 

Q: How is "Featured Site(s)" managed?
A:  I've decided to rotate through the membership, posting two new sites each week.  Featured Sites will be listed in order, by the date they joined the ring.  The Membership Hub page will always get top billing.


Your HNS RingMaster is Robert Jon Cox.
  • My short online bio is here.
  • A short FAQ about me is here.

Email the RingMaster  

Robert Jon Cox - RingMaster - webmaster@bosamar.com
last revised March 11, 2012
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Void where prohibited.